When is it?

The RCNA organizes a neighborhood-wide garage sale twice yearly, one in the spring and one in the fall. We do our best to schedule the garage sales to be a week or two before our biannual bulk item trash pickup, which is scheduled between our MUD and Round Rock Refuse. Usually the MUD schedules the bulk trash pick-up to be “around” the time change, and that depends on what works for the Round Rock Refuse schedule.

Can I host a garage sale on a different date?

You are of course free to schedule a yard or garage sale whenever you want – you are absolutely not required to wait for the neighborhood wide garage sale date!

What is a Neighborhood Garage Sale?

All it means is that since bulk item trash pickup is coming soon, this is an opportunity for everyone to sell their stuff before it gets put into a landfill. And since there is power in numbers, we are just trying to make our neighborhood a garage sale destination spot twice a year. So no, there is no huge flea market style sale going on at the community center. It is simply a weekend for everyone to have their own individual garage sales, but to have it along with everyone else, and hopefully attract more garage sale traffic across the entire neighborhood than an individual garage sale would attract by itself on a random weekend.

We advertise each neighborhood-wide garage sale in several different sources, which may include the Austin American Statesman, Craigslist, Community Impact, NextDoor, and Facebook, for the entire neighborhood. Of course we recommend that you also post your individual garage sales in and on whatever you like – and feel free to mention that the weekend is a neighborhood wide event in your individual ads. We also encourage you to put up your own signs. We are dramatically more powerful when we combine our efforts!

Do I have to register?

No, You do not have to notify us if you plan to participate. Again, run your own ads, put up your own signs. Our advertising is limited to us just announcing to the greater Austin area. But it is up to each of you individually to drive traffic to your particular garage sale.

And if you have any additional advertising recommendations – send an email to president@rattancreek.org and we’ll be sure to add your ideas and suggestions to our growing list of advertising options!