2022 Spring Garage Sale

March 26, 2022



It’s time again for the Rattan Creek Neighborhood Garage Sale! Free up some space, save items from the landfill, and make a little money while you declutter. Then visit your neighbors and find some new-to-you gems!

This event is simply a weekend for folks to have their own individual garage sales, but hopefully with more traffic across the entire neighborhood since many houses will be doing the same. RCNA will place ads in local papers and on Craigslist, but you are encouraged to post your own listings and signs too.

Please respect each home’s COVID precautions. If you have items left over after your sale, please consider offering them on the Rattan Creek Neighborhood Buy-Sell Trade-Give or local Buy Nothing pages. But if an item has simply reached the end of its usefulness, fear not! Bulk Pickup is the following Saturday, April 2nd. (Look for an official announcement from the MUD coming soon.)